It was nice to be at home this weekend, nothing major to do or get done, just hanging at home. Friday we had Holden's 3rd bday party, we made it outta there before the rain hit on Friday night though. It was nice to fall asleep Friday night at a decent time. Saturday mornings we love to set outside and have coffee in the sun, and thats exactly what we did for 3 hours or so talking and visiting. Sometimes Nate and I have a lot to catch up on during the weekends b/c we both find ourselves so busy during the week. After the caffeine buzz we headed to cape to get all our plants and flowers to finish the yard work. We had a great time planting and knowing we have our yard all accomplished for yet another summer!!! Now we just have to keep up with the watering. Saturday night we celebrated a couple great friends birthdays, staying out late and drinking beer which was much needed I felt!! Sunday we had the niece and nephew after church for a couple hours, they keep us easily entertained and on our toes at all times. Then yet another birthday party for my grandma Sunday afternoon. All and all the weekend was productive and relaxing. It feels good to mark stuff off my to-do list: Flowers and Yard: CHECK

This week brings another long and productive week I hope. Since my inside spring cleaning got pushed back last week I am faced with the challenge this week. So far my week looks pretty clear so spring cleaning should get finished. A couple rooms a night and I should be done with all my chores before the family comes to visit. It will feel good this weekend to have accomplised all my spring cleaning chores. After this week we are busy until the last weekend in May, so its now or never!!
Only a week and half left till the March of Dimes walk! I have half my goal met so I need to be working hard this week to collect the rest of my money. I will be spending a lot of time this week on the phone to businesses trying to get donations! Every penny helps