Monday, August 30, 2010
Every 3 hours
Tylenol.....sleep....clinge to momma....cry...slobber....Motrin....Antibotics.....sleep on the couch, Crick in the cries, momma in tears of sleep depervation.....Motrin...Antibotics..........................................................UP at 2 in the morning wanting to play...................................WONT put himself to sleep in his bed anymore because I let him cuddle with me all weekend from being sick.....................Up at again in the middle of the night laughing at me and wanting to
There you have it folks. I have never been so ready to get to work and just sit on my butt and not worry about meds or teeth or snot or diapers. I miss him ...I do...but it is a nice little break!
Tucker had a sinus infection with teeth cutting on top of that! I couldn't even shower this weekend without reinforcement.
And to top it off....I have to start ALL over with sleep training. Tucker doesn't want to lay in his bed after this weekend. He would wake up in the middle of the night with a high fever so I had to get him outta bed distribute Tylenol and then we laid together until the fever went back down. Now, what was I supposed to do??? I couldn't just let the baby suffer in bed and be I broke the sleep training. Any suggestions for getting him back on routine???
I am looking forward to a better weekend this weekend......maybe
Friday, August 27, 2010
9 month check up
Ever heard the saying" It takes 9 months to have a baby and 9 months to get over having a baby"?? YEP lets talk about that.
I have to admit this is somewhat true. I always thought at 4 months I would look like a model....then when that didn't' happen I just knew at 6 months I would be working out all the time, eating right and look like a model. Well shoot...that hasn't' happened at all. At 9 months I still don't have a model body, I eat what I want and I never work out. Unless laundry is working out??? But, I gained tons of weight with Tucker. I am telling you ladies I was a whale. I know I gained over 50-55 lbs. Yep, I was large and in charge. The best news after 9 months is I am happy with my weight now. I weigh about the same as I did before pregnancy. The worst part, my body will never be the same. I am FINALLY ok with never having my old body. I am ok with the wrinkled stomach, cellulite and all the beautiful stretch marks. I am ok with looking in the mirror and still feeling fat. YEP, totally ok with that. Why am I ok with it?? I got to the point where I was worrying about my body, weight, etc too much. I want to enjoy baby kisses and playing instead of wasting my energy worrying. And besides, Nate still love me ( I think??) I know we will have more kids one day and I swear I will loose all the weight after that.
YOu believe me right??
Monday, August 23, 2010

Even though I don't talk about it here....I think about the 2 babies that aren't here with Nathan and I. I think about having a baby that is 2 and one that is over a year old. They are dancing now and being rocked in one of those big comfy rocking chairs( hey, I have my own picture of Heaven).
I remember those other who have loved and lost or never loved at all!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
last weekend and teeth
On to better things. This weekend was great. My husband (the one I now want to bury alive) and I went on a great date. We ate our favorite Italian food and went to the movie theatre. YES this is a huge deal. We haven't been to the movies in 3 years, yep...3 years! We watched "The Grownups". It was ok, kinda funny but kinda dumb. Sunday was a family day for the 3 of us. There is nothing better than a family day on Sundays!
And since I had a lot of time to think last night since I couldn't sleep...I have decided fall can come anytime!!!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Little champ

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The debate

Its cute, its practical and it has great ratings. I wanted something comfy, something he could sleep in still comfortably and something with good ratings.
Well then I saw this!!!
It has side airbags people?
But are those side airbags better than the regular side impact protection??? Is it comfortable?
I am not worried about money...not that I have a lot because I am always broke anyways...but for the simple fact the carseat I pick will get used because I plan on using it for all the kiddos in the future (if and how many ).
Help on this would be great. I had heartburn for 5 hours today and I know its because I was worrying about carseats all day!
Friday, August 6, 2010
It's Red
I remember the days of talking about Stilettos, or where I got my new designer purse. Oh yes I remember those days.
Now I talk about crap. Red crap, normal doesn't matter.
Tucker is fine, his crap is fine, we are all going to make it.
And I would trade any pair of stiletto's for talking about crap these days too! Yep that's right...any pair, even those cute zebra ones.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
outta town

P.S..none of these pictures are taken with my new was hot, the camera is big so the point and shoot worked out better. But I hate not using it