Here are some things on my mind lately and updates......
Saylor Kate has some really good days and some cranky days. Mostly the reflux bothers her but she still sleeps 6 to 7 hours a time at I can't complain much. She is still a blessing even with bad days.
I always try to tell new moms how great they look. I mean they have just birthed a baby and it's hard to feel good about yourself afterwards. I am so suprised at how many women don't say that I mean I of course don't feel good about how I look right now....who does after 4 weeks but it's just shocking that people don't say it. However I had a friend visit last Friday and the first thing she said as she walked in the door is "you look great". She made my day:) so the point of this.....let new moms know how great they are too!!!!
Tucker is an incredible big brother. I am so blessed with how he acts. We have a good boy on our hands!!!!
I am beginning to go stir crazy from always being in the house. But we have some exciting things coming up This weekend I am throwing a baby shower for a cousin and can't wait to see some family. Then the next weekend nate and I are going to enjoy our first night out!!!!!! Dancing,dinner and drinks. Woohoo
Talking about stir crazy....every where you look someone is sick with the flu or strep and I am totally paranoid so Saylor doesn't go to public places. Maybe in a couple weeks but I am still a germ freak with her
3 weeks and we are goiong south to see my sis,bro and niece and nephews. Can't even contain myself. oh and it will be mardi exciting
I am trying to eat better and shed this weight. But I have to remind myself my body is still swollen and outta wack. Then I eat a brownie and feel better. Hahaha. These 20 lbs will just fall off I am sure. A girl can dream!!!!
4 weeks and I am back at work. Gag
Life Lately: Week 6
5 days ago