Friday, February 27, 2009
Step 2: tag—eight other un-tagged people
Favorite football team: COLTS!
What are you wearing now? jeans, sweatshirt and my tennis shoes! awww..I love a casual work enviroment
What color is your bedroom? One wall is deep red the other three are tan
What’s the last thing you read/are currently reading? Jenny Lee's Blog
Do you nap a lot? Not usually a lot. The only time I can nap is Sundays...and not because thats the only time I have, thats just really the only time my body will let me. weird I know.
Who was the last person you hugged? The Hubby.
What’s your current obsession/addiction? Girl Scout Cookies...dang girl scouts stay away from my door next year!
What was the last thing you said aloud? are going to be late (to a co-worker)
What websites do you always visit when you go online? blogger, facebook and random window shopping!
What was the last thing you bought? Fish for lunch
What are you listening to right now? it!
What movie are (or were!) you most excited to show your kids? Gone with the Wind...and Varisty Blues!
If you could have any super power, what would it be? to slow time down
What time do you usually get up? 6:45-7 am
What is your most challenging goal right now? Getting motivated..whether its to clean or cook or work out or anything! I am the most unmotivated I have ever been in LIFE.
Say something to the person who tagged you: Well Jenny Lee you didn't tag me, but I love you and thought I would reconize you!
If you could have a house–totally paid for, fully furnished–anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be? Right where I am because if this house is paid for then I could rent one by the beach..hehe
Favorite vacation spot? Sunshine, drinks and all inclusive is all I need
What is your favorite children’s book? The Napping house!
Name one thing you just can’t resist no matter how bad it is for you: ummm...gosh I will get back to you. See question above where I am totally unmotivated, well that basicly says I can't resist anything
What gives you goosebumps (the good kind) ?? Nate's smile, my nieces and nephews being drawn to me...talking to a dear friend on the phone
If you could have any job in the world , what would it be? Event planner...a small one, I dont' big jobs that stress me out!
Favorite Sport: baseball or football
Favorite Animal: that would have to be brand new puppies.....speaking of puppies, hubs and I were talking about dogs last night. Macey will never be replaced in my heart, but I need to move one. I didn't get enough feed back the first time from you all, Will a new puppy fill my empty wounds from Macey...should I try to get a new one?? If I do what kind do u suggest??
I did NOT
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Personal Day
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
FAT Tuesday
Ok, in other news. Remember most of family is stationed in Louisiana for work right now. Well what is the big news in Louisiana right now...MARDI GRAS! Craziness bascily. So they all traveled home for Liam's second birthday this weekend so none of them enjoyed the festivities. A group of my little brothers friends stayed in Louisiana for the experience and guess who they saw drinking at a bar.....

Hello Dave Matthews. Now to truly understand this story you have to know that my younger brother (who left his friends to return home) is probably one of the biggest fans of his ever. Ever CD he owns, all tee-shirts and so forth. He has been a fan since grade school I believe. His first Dave concert was with me when he was maybe 13?? He is crazy about him...he would have fainted I believe. never know when you need to pack your camera or when you will see a about the wrong place at the wrong time. His friends wont let me live it down either!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Here is me looking HAPPY
Macey is still missing and hope is almost gone. Now the question for fellow animal lovers. What is the next step? She either had a run in with coyotes in the woods or someone is loving her as their new pet ( I am betting on the woods, b/c with a reward offered someone would have returned her). So...would a new dog heal my heart? Should we adobt a dog and if Macey returns 2 dogs are better than one? A new dog will not cure me at all, but loving another animal might ease the pain? What are your suggestions?
This week brings Ash Wednesday. With that being said I have 2 more days to drink carbination. Yes..I am giving up all carbinate drinks for lent. God help me have strenth to turn down every Dt. Coke and beer I see. I take pride in my Catholic religion and I embrase lent by always giving up something I dearly love. This year I have really pushed my limits. I will have coffee, water, and wine occasionaly for the next 40 days. I might mix it up with a vodka and orange juice if I dare to be crazy. I know this might sound easy to some, but it just might be the dealth of me. I am doing this for mine good though, I really drink zero water throughout the day...straight from coffee to sweet tea or Dt. Coke ( I realize sweet tea isn't carbinated but I am giving it up as well) Hopefully this well help me be better to my body.
With Fat Tuesday on its way tomorrow I can't wait to eat everything in sight and drink tons and tons of soda and sweet tea until I can't sleep because my stomach is turning circles!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Beer, Wine and The Captain
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
- We had a couple hits on finding Macey..nothing has been positive though. We have a couple more places to check for Macey and then the search will be over :(
- My office has been full of energy lately....lots of jokes, and good girl time which leaves me to less time on my computer.
- My grandpa was in the hospital but is getting released today.
- Planning for our Vegas trip....we think we have the details all worked out
- Making doctors appointments. I decided to "consult" with a can't hurt to hear what others thing about "baby making"
- Planning girls weekends...I have had lots of girl time lately and I am really enjoying all of it so why not make more plans.
- My whole family will be together this weekend for Liam's 2nd Bday..there is nothing quit like a KYLE get together
- I am Catholic so we will be preparing for Ash Wednesday and Lent soon...I think I have decided what I am giving up for God this year...let me tell you it wont be easy!
- I am getting my hair done tonight and plan on taking special beverages with me ( nothing is better than being able to drag alcohol to your hair dresser's) hopefully my hair will turn out OK after a couple beers.
- I am not an alcoholic (the above might sound like it) I just enjoy the time I am having right now and my life can be stressful with everyone sick, work, my dog, and baby making.
I hope to be back tomorrow with a more exciting post!
Monday, February 16, 2009
OH Man this is GREAT

A memory Foam mattress topper!!!! Our bed is a good quality bed, wasn't cheap but we still cant' get it as comfortable as we want. So for Vday I decided our present would be one of these. I normally dont' want to get out of bed in the morning, but this morning I didn't even hear my alarm!!!! Yeh, its worth it. We just hope it last.
On to other news...Macey is still missing. tear So, we are pretty sure she ran a little too far from home and maybe something in the woods got the best of her. I can't even talk about it :( We just dont think someone would come up our drive and snatch her and not return her with an award offered! But, I am not giving up yet and I will not replace her yet. In a couple of months if still no Macey I will have to have another dog. It will never replace her, but maybe only bring me new joy.
A Birthday nephew Liam turned 2 yesterday. Man time flies. We will be celebrating his birthday this weekend:

We love you and can't wait to celebrate!!!
Friday, February 13, 2009
It's Valentine's Ya'll
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
My Interview!
1. If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
2. If you could move to one place in the entire world, where would it be and why?
Gosh I don't want to move at all..really I love that I am so close to my family and friends! BUT if someone forced me to move I would go warm...south and beachy! I would also have to have my own plane to fly back and forth all the time.
3. What was the worst thing that's ever happened to you?
4. What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?
5. If you were stuck on a deserted island, and could only bring one person and one item, who and what would that be?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Still Not Home

aint she pretty?
I will be back later with a survery!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Dear Saint Anthony
- Dear St. Anthony, Please bring my dog home safe and sound. She is still missing and it breaks my heart to think that something has happened to her. I don't know what I would do if I loose her. She is young and has a lot of life left in her, besides...this was the dog me and hubby got together when we first started dating!
We went looking for Macey last night and found nothing. I hope she is bugging some random neighbor's dog and is just having so much fun she can't stand to come home right now. My mom is headed up to my house today to search for her as well!
- Not sure if this was counts but its worth a try....Dear St. Anthony, we have lost our electric from the storm. We are still out of power going on 2 weeks. Please help the electricians find our broken lines and fix our power, I desperately need to vacuum my house!
Also a special prayer. My child hood dog Lance (also a yellow lab) is turning 13, but my mom found out yesterday that he has bone cancer and needs to be put down to ease his pain. This is hard..very hard for us! This was our childhood dog and we are all so attached. We have been crying for days! I will give a tribute to Lance later this week!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Random Ramblings
- - Electricity is still OFF at our house, it is really messing with me now! I know they are working hard blah blah blah, but my dishes are piled to the ceiling and my nerves are shot.
- - Last night the husband and I had a liquid supper. Rum and Orange juice, listening to music, talking....we had to do something to take the edge off. (seriously no meal at all...just liquid)
- - I like that the husband and I can still act like kids with no worries. We both had hard days so we can drink, talk, sing and act crazy together! Having fun is very important for relationships I believe.
- -I haven't seen my dog in 2 days (she often goes to our neighbors where she has a dog house, food and water and they love her so we don't usually worry, we call it her second home) BUT its cold and I miss her like crazy! I worry something is wrong. You can't keep a farm dog chained up and I never will, but I am worried!Say a prayer for Macey dog!
- -Is it weird to pray for a dog??
- - My mom and My second mom( my great aunt) did all mine and hubby's laundry. They are too good to me, so everything is clean and one less stress off my shoulders when the power does come on.
- - My sister in law's mother is in town from the state of Washington. We are having a mother/daughter wine night with both our moms and us on Sunday!!! How exciting! I love that we all get along so so well. We will veg out and drink!
- - Both my nephews have birthdays this month, one will be 2 and one will be 5, and I have no idea what to get either one of them?
- - I bought heart cookie cutters to make Hubby's heart shaped pancakes on Valentine's morning !!!! (target:dollar aisle)
- - I have not went anywhere all week on my lunch....this is the best way to save money for the BUDGET!! I am so proud of myself!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Get Ready