Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Fun Fun
1. What are the last 3 things you purchased?*
-Corned Beef for Supper tonight
- A sweet Tea
-My Awesome Grocery Bags
2. What are the last 3 songs you downloaded?*
-I haven't done this in forever but I guess ...George Strait's New Hit
-Jason Alden...anything
- Tim McGraw.....Its almost Rodeo time so I am all about Country music
3. Where were the last 3 places you visited?
-Cape Girardeau
-Benton, MO
4. What are your 3 favorite movies?
-Cold Mountain
-Anchor Man
-Sex in the City
5. What are your 3 favorite possessions?
-My Wedding set
-My pearls
-Macey Dog
6. What 3 things can you not live without?
-My family and Friends are number 1
-My Chi Straightener
-Jewelry....lots of gody jewelry
7. What would be your 3 wishes?
-to not have to work full time and be at stay at home mom one day
-to finish my degree without working also
-to no worry like I do about everything..I mean everything under the sun..right now I am worried if I can roll my windows up in time if rain comes...and its sunny outside
8. What are 3 things you have not done yet?
-finished school
-gone to Italy
-become a mom..
9. What are your 3 favorite dishes?
-BBQ anything/ sweet corn
10. What 3 celebrities would you want to hang out with the most?
-Jessica Simpson
-the whole Friends cast
-Peyton Manning
11. Name 3 things that freak you out.
-48 hour shows
-the dark
-clowns.....I am just scared of everything
12.If you could describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be?
13. Name 3 unusual things you are good at.
-knowing (pointless) celebrity gossip
14. What are 3 things you are currently coveting?
- Book cases for my spare room
-New jeans
-My eyebrows waxed...ha
15. What 3 bloggers would you like tag?If you read this, you are tagged...
Monday, July 28, 2008

Liam approves!!!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Tonight is the dreaded eye doctor appt. The check-up, contacts, glasses and such. The company that I work for is great about medical insurance, we dont' hardly pay a penny.....but they dont' offer dental or vision. With Nathan have his own business we don't dental or vision insurance there either. It so much harder going to get my eyes checked when I know its all out of pocket :(
Anyways, I am looking into Lasic eye surgery. I fiqure rather than paying close to 400.00 a year or more for my eyes, I can get it all taken care of for at least 20 years with Lasic eye surgery. I am a big chicken though and can't stand the thought of that laser coming at me with my eyes open. If anyone has had it done let me know how they like it??? Any need all postive feed back please!!!!! Maybe this could be my last eye appt.
I wont be blogging tomorrow, but will update with pics as soon as I can of baby Cooper!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
For Sure Friday?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
4 days left
A friend of my mom's told me a great story last week about Saint Gerard. Saint Gerard is the Saint for all mothers. He is to watch over and pray for expecting mothers, mothers and children and women who want to be mothers. I know there is always a Saint to pray for, for every occasion and I was waiting on someone to tell me about the Saint to all mothers and children. I have been praying to Saint Gerard since last week and I will ALWAYS continue to pray to him for guidance and help as I get pregnant again and have children in the future. There are always rewarding stories people share after praying to a Saint and I am ready to share mine too b/c I know Nathan and I will be blessed again.
My friend bought me a Saint Gerard pendent and I will wear it on a necklace or bracelet forever I hope. I know stories of people who never take them off and feel safe with Saint Gerard with them. I hope to order several more Saint Gerard pendents for several other mothers I know. I know they say to let your children wear them too so they will always be protected.
Just thought I would share this little inspiration with everyone. No matter what Faith, it doesn't hurt to have a little help in praying to a Saint.
I also have the website if anyone is intersted in ordering any pendents..!!!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Details
We have a great support team behind us as always and we have been strong and getting through this together. Thanks to all of you who are praying and continue to pray for us as we will start to try for a family again very soon
Since Nathan and I have grieved and we are coping with it very well you will see us in our great moods again because we know God will take care of us and he has a reason for everything!
Friday, July 18, 2008
God had other plans
I will fill everyone in on our story of the last two days next Monday!! Just keep us in your prayers and we will be fine.
Other news, my nephew will hopefully be here this weekend. My S-I-L is so ready and baby Cooper is ready as well. My brother came in this weekend so hopefully anyday we will have a new baby to hold! :)
Until next week...have a great weekend
Monday, July 14, 2008
Waiting on a baby
This weekend was very tiring for this ol' pregnant girl!!! With the picnic and work I was very tired yesterday and enjoyed my lazy Sunday. This week is full as well with doctors appts. and such. I will update more later
Friday, July 11, 2008
This week flew by
Tonight Nathan and I head straight from work to the New Hamburg Picnic. We are always in charge of the petting zoo. Nathan has been working all week getting ready for this event (he is one of the chairman you know) so he has to be just as tired as I am. We will be there all night tonight, I work tomorrow till 12 then we will be there Saturday all night again. It is very tiring but I love seeing people and catching up with everyone. On Sunday I think I will just sleep the whole day ....zzzzz
I hope I can see some of you guys there this weekend:) Bring the kids to the petting zoo!
Have a great weekend!
Also every Wednesday or Thursday I will be posting a blog about the baby and me. I will update on all my new information and when I start showing I will update pics.....Here ya go Alaina
Thursday, July 10, 2008
First Dr. Appt.
So although the first appointment wasn't much, at least we have many more to look forward too!!!! We are so very excited right now and can't wait for this roller coaster of a ride before us!! Everyone keeps asking us what we want for the sex of the baby...well of course we don't care, as long as it is healthy we will be happy with either or. Although, I know Nate would love to have a little boy to be his buddy and as weird as it is I would like to have a little boy first also. I always thought I wanted a little girl, but I just think a boy would be soooo much easier. Also my best friend and my sister in law are both having little boys with in the next couple of months and I would love for them all to grow up together. Besides...I think I would spend so much more money on a little girl than a boy. But with all these factors it really doesnt' matter to us. We are just excited and will be happy with a healthy baby no matter the sex!!!!
Does anybody have any feelings to what it will be??? Well I know I have already gained some weight in my legs and butt. People say that I haven't, but I know I have. I have felt from day 1 that it would be a girl, but just curious to what others think??
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Some more......

My Vacation!!!

Monday, July 7, 2008
I am back!!!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I am living it up !

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Happy Birthday Dad To Be!!!
Happy Birthday Nathan!!!