I promised pictures and more blogs and THEN the flu bug hit us hard...first daddy and then Saylor. SO...I will leave you with my LIST for 2013. I call it a list, because I dont' like the word resolution because then you can FAIL..big time. So if its a list of things I would LIKE to work on, then I might do it. Simple things really...live BETTER...smile MORE....less stress. Take it all in...and enjoy the ride because it can't last forever. BUT these are things myself and others forget a lot. So I will read this list EVERY morning to remind myself of what I have and ask what I can do better!
2013: Goals and Hopes
*Be with God more, pray more, and be a better Godly women. Read my daily prayer book
*Teach Tucker more about God. Make it a routine to brush teeth then pray bedside. Also pray at the dinner table and for people who are sick and hurt ( we do all these, but its needs to be a HAVE to)
*Read more with my kids more. Teach them more. Work puzzles and mind games instead of TV games.
*Eat better….make the family eat better and healthier. Veggies, fruits and less sugar
*Exercise…play with the kids more in an exercising way for us all. And exercise for myself.
*Be kinder and gentler. Let people know I care and lend more hands. Remember people’s feelings and try to console. BE THE BETTER person. Smile at others.
*SMILE more and less stress
*Be the best wife, remind my husband how important he is everyday and in every way. Surprise him more.
*Let my kids know how much I love them..ALL the time. Care less about the house, and make more memories playing ( this is a good one, I need to think this all the time....leave those fingerprints for later)
*Go on ONE family adventure every month. Picnics, camping outside, parks, adventures for the day!
*Take a date night ONCE every 6 weeks with my husband. (hey, hubby is busy and we like friend time)
*Be honest..all the time.
*Send little text or cards often to remind people how I feel about them!
There it is...first thing is first.. GOD! I think if I remember him every morning, the rest should come easy :)
Life Lately: Week 7
4 hours ago