Monday, September 28, 2009
Working on the Weekends
Saturday I took a mini trip to St.Louis to do some last minute baby shopping.
We found a stroller/car seat combo we...well I love. Its a chicco. Its red and tan and had lots of options that I loved!!! We also found the pack and play we wanted while there. And the best part is both of these were bought for us for gifts !!!!! Yaaah. Thats a big lift off my shoulder. Check
All the painting is completed in Tuckers room. Check
The furniture is all put together. Check
The clothes are all washed and hung in the closet. check
I made the bed all up and the nursery is really starting to come to together. Check
I deep cleaned Tuckers room this weekend also. Check
See I told you we were busy. Lots of things got accomplished but we still have more to do! We had to get things going this past weekend because this weekend is my shower!!! I am WAY excited for the baby shower. I opted to only have one BIG shower for many reason. I wanted to show off all the hard work my sister in laws are putting into it and I wanted to see everyone together all at once. Its going to be a brunch on Saturday morning and I can't wait!!!! I can't wait to show pictures too. This week is my 34 week appt...we are getting very very close!!!
P.S. The giveaway ends tomorrow sign up!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Strollers are so confusing!

Well its unavailable....very unavailable. I have called Babys R us all over the country and nobody has it.
So whats next? I know it shouldn't be all about style but I don't want an ugly stroller. My dream stroller would be a Peg Preggo..but is it worth the money??
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Here's to 2 Years

He knows the way to my heart is through plastic!!!
After a nice dinner out I think we were asleep by 9:30.......I wouldn't want it any other way. Its funny but the past two years have flown by and even after being married I still get those dating butterflies when I look at him :)
Friday, September 18, 2009
32 Weeks and counting

Yes this is actual size. I have kankels...( you know, you can't tell I have ankels b/c of them being so swollen). If I am up and walking they dont' get so bad, but having a desk job makes them worse. I am trying to drink more water and keep them propped so I dont' look like this at the end of the day.
Along with kankels when I get hot my back now sweats. I can just feel the sweat rolling down my back. I know now what it feels like to be overweight...a lot overweight. I can't see to shave. One day I looked in the mirror and had fur on my legs. I am tired again. I want to hit the couch when I get home and snooze. Mood swings are back. I cry at even the good commercials. I also get outta breath when I get excited so while crying at commercials and excitement I start to hyperventilate. OH yeh..good stuff. My nose seems to be growing....along with everything else. And as well just put a bathroom at my desk.
I had my appointment yesterday and everything is looking GREAT!!! I couldn't be more thrilled. In the ultrasound he looks so big. His little legs are already jammed in my belly. The nurse said he weighted 4lbs 12 oz. Yes..still gonna deliver a toddler. As long as I keep getting great reports I dont mind what his size is...(although small head and shoulders would be great)
Be back to a good weekend!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Birthday Celebrations

While in historic downtown Paducah I picked up my giveaway check back!
Sunday was another great day. My feet were tired but that didnt stop me. After church we headed out for the day. After all, we had a dog show to attend that our niece Kailee was showing her dog in.

They did GREAT. And Cheese was the best looking Peacock anyone had every seen. I will just say nicely that we got screwed....he sooo should of won!!!
After fun at the fair my super duper husband Nate made dinner for all my family and his......lets all say it together..awwwww!
And of course we had my favorite dessert! CHEESECAKE. I took the left overs home and have eaten a piece every single day.
There is nothing better than family on your are a couple snapshots of the fun had by the little ones

Monday, September 14, 2009
Falling in Love with Fall

Thank God for football! The colts to be exact. I will never be totally sure where my love of football comes from ?...u see....
We never had football at my school (b/c it was too small) so I never go to experience football games on Friday nights. However, my favorite movie of all times is "Varsity Blues" and I remember dreaming how I wanted to attend a Texas high school of all times. Maybe I love football because I was raised with two brothers and a dad who loved any sport with a ball (mom never got into and still can't)...and on Sunday's football was ALWAYS on. Either way I get a giggly feeling and warm feeling all inside when the colts come on t.v. And now is the season and I couldn't' be more excited!!!(P.S....we won yesterday)
And you can't think of football without everything that screams fall. I am so ready for a crisp breeze at night and sweatshirts. and CHILI

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Small Town Carnival

Kailee played the Duck Game to earn this beautiful crown...we wont tell her it may have only cost $.10 total.
Followed by lawn mower races and a mud race...does it get any better than small town?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
30 Weeks
1. My feet are swelling. I blame it on sitting at my desk all day and my feet just hanging. Monday I was on my feet all day and they never swelled...but sitting here at work I can't believe how big they are. I have to take a picture and show you. You wont believe it either. At 20 weeks I could wear shorts or capris and still feel good about my I try to hide them
2. Speaking of wearing capris. I could show off my legs at 20 weeks and now I wont show them to anyone. I feel like my legs are huge right along with my feet...and lets not even start on my butt.
3. At 20 weeks I would buy shirts that were flowy and 30 weeks I can't seem to find anything flowy enough. I would shop for regular clothing and just buy it seems I can't find the big enough size. So maternity is about my only choice..unless I want to wear a dress as a shirt?
4. At 20 weeks every time Tucker would kick I would love to place my hand on my belly and feel his soft delicate at 30 weeks its almost as he is sword fighting my ribs. Dont' get me wrong I love to feel the kicking but now days it can be rough and tough.
5. My back...oh my back! I never felt pain at 20 weeks and I felt wonderful...I still feel wonderful but my back pain has me in tears more and more.
Although all these experiences dont sound wonderful...they are!!! I wouldn't want it any other way. I will take a little sword fighting or back pain for him. I take each new month and grace it with a smile because I am so thankful for him and being pregnant. I can't imagine him not kicking me when I have him..I will for sure miss the belly bonding.
And since this is my birthday week and I am now really pushing the big 3-0 I have some giveaways to post. So be checking back!! Yes I have birthday weeks and everybody should celebrate in weeks, one day is just not enough
Friday, September 4, 2009
This weekend

Gosh we have so much left to do..ha!
Wish us luck on our journey of painting this weekend. Hopefully I can update with pictures of how great the room will look by Tuesday.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
A couple wittle things

Preston Joseph. Preston's mother Rebecca and I grew up together and his father and my husband were also great buddies in school. All I know is we are in trouble one day because Preston and Tucker will only be a couple months apart and if they are like their dads (b/c we were angels) we are in BIG trouble. But they are toooo sweet right now!
I had told you about Nate locking me up for spending money on baby things. Well he hasn't locked me up....(although you probaly thought so since I was missing)...and yesterday some of my embroided things came in. First are some bib and a burb cloths. Now I only have so many months to let him be a wittle baby so these wittle things were too cute to pass up.

Too cute!!!
So I am not locked up and back in full force so you should be expected daily post again soon!