We are still kicking around here in the Hay. Busy as usual. Enjoying the awesome weather. We all recently made a trip south, to visit family and enjoy crawfish!!! Here are few tidbits to keep everyone updated
* Saylor Kate is growing growing. She is eating everything she can get her hands on. Literally everything!!! She has teeth that are getting ready to pop through so everything is in her mouth. She is also eating cereal, fruit and couple veggies already. At her last appt. she was 50% in height and weight (weighing in at 13.2lbs) but I can see a big jump in weight soon
* Tucker is running crazy all the time. Learning and doing new things daily. He is working on being a big boy with his potty skills and cracking us up with his language skills. His new favorite saying " OMG Da**". Yep...straight from his fathers mother
* Our summer calendar is already full..how does that happen?? Weekends are booking up till July already. I can't believe it
*The POOL is open...woohoo! Cant wait to get 2 little fish in there soon
* My moms day was soooo great. I enjoyed an afternoon at the winery with about 12 family members. It was so relaxing and quiet!!!!! I got a little spoiled by the kiddos as well with flowers, VODKA(a must) and a massage :)
* My whole family will be together again over memorial day!!! I can't wait.
*Saylor Kate already wants to sit up. Babies dont stay babies very long Although I think she is a tiny little thing (she will thank me for this one day) she is very strong and still such a good baby!!
Here are some pics of our trip South
Kailee turned 8!!!
Waiting on crawfish
A block party with neighbor friends
Boiling crawfish
Liam's Teeball game
Gigi's Bday with her grandkids
Uncle Kraig and Saylor
Life Lately: Week 6
5 days ago