This is NOT the exact dress at all. It is similar though. Mine has short sleeves and the sleeves, collar and bottom of the dress are trimmed in black silk ( yes sexy). I didn't want anything real fancy but maybe something I could break out again. It is made like the shirt dresses with buttons all the way down and a belt, but it much sexier! I feel in love with it and when I saw the price I thought it would be perfect for a dinner date! I am searching for paton black heels to wear with it? Any suggestions?
Oh and Plans for our one year....we are thinking VEGAS!!!!! Nothing is finalized at all, just ideas we were working on :)
And I still have no gift....any ideas for those who have had their one year?
Dark Cherry Furniture I love, but it is soooo hard to keep clean! On to the master bath...we wanted it to tye into the bedroom so red/brown/black is our choice here too! We still need to paint the bathroom the same tan color as the bedroom, hey..it will get done! Did I mention I hate painting
Other than that plans are simple this weekend. We will be moving my sister in law and maybe enjoy the pool. With the weather cooling down we might not have much more time for the pool.
We are coming so close to our first anniversary too.....I still need ideas?? I have been going crazy b/c I am such a planner and I can't think of anything for our first ann. HELP!!!!
Also on my plate for the next few months...A couple of my best friends are getting married in Oct...it is creeping up fast!!!
Throw my parents an ann. party in November! Has anyone ever done this? Its their 30th and I need ideas?
Yes..by november I will be insane with all the events, but I wouldnt' have it any other way.