Again..sorry for the delay. Why is it you seem to NEVER catch a break. Just when I think we are caught up around our house...there are a zillion other things to do.
This week I have been nesting, this is actually my second dose of nesting. I am getting really really OCD about all this nesting and my husband and son might kick me out of my own home if I dont' settle down. I dont' want dirt on the floor, clothes in the hamper or sheets not clean. I have been cleaning, organized and dont' forget the dreaded switching summer/ winter clothes around. I DREAM of one day having a big enough closet to never crate things up again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh I dream
I have also had 2 bladder infections in 5 weeks and not to mention I am anemic. Do I feel tired...NO, there is no time for that!
I have also gotten to catch a movie with a friend and eat and shop :)
So I have to weigh my odds here....bladder infection for a girls night was well worth it :)
Baby girl is growing right along and so is this Mommy. I feel like she is most active at night and in the afternoons. However, she is always active on my bladder, so pretty much my day consist of playing with Tucker and using the bathroom. I am 26 weeks this week and moving right along. NO we dont' have the baby girls room started, but yes she has tons of hair bows that make up for that right??
I have ordered the bedding and things are moving...they are just slower. We know the plan in our heads and I will show you her room as soon as its finished. We DO have a name....99% sure. It took a lot of arguing but I got my way like I usually do :) Remember, I like different and convincing Nate was a task. Tucker talks about the baby often and he knows where she is at, but I don't think he really gets it. I have a belly picture I will update next week (finally).
Thats all for now. This weekend we are making crock pot suppers, getting pumpkins and painting them and adding mums to our decor!!! I LOVE Fall
Life Lately: Week 7
3 hours ago