I told you I would be blogging again very soon. 2 days in a row, wowzers!!!
This is another baby post, they all wont be about babies and toddlers. Well I take that back, yes they will all be about babies and toddler probably because that is what my LIFE is right now..duh
I don't have long to talk to today, I have a play date with some of my best girlfriends and their kiddos. How fun right?? Don't mind me looking like a whale in my swimsuit either.
Here are some questions I get asked a lot that I thought I would finally answer:
*Do you crave anything? No and yes. With Tucker I craved sweets. Oreos to be exact. This baby doesn't like to eat sweets. I want to eat sweets all the time, but my stomach tells me no. I want anything salty with a big glass of milk, Gross huh??
*How big are you? I have a lot of people tell me I am not very big....those people are lying!!! I dont' think i am as big as I was with Tucker at this point..how is that you ask. Well, when I was pregnant with Tucker I slept, and rested, and ate, and slept and rested and ate oreos. With baby Deuce....I dont' get as much as rest as I like, I am STILL working 40 hours a week, keeping a house and chasing a toddler. And sometimes I forget to eat. So I will be posting pictures of the comparison very soon and let you decide!!!
* I will have an exact date of when baby Deuce will be born soon. My doctor will be scheduling me c-section again because I had one with Tucker. I am on edge with this. I enjoy knowing exactly when the baby will come and I am scared out of mind too!!!!Remember Tucker was big(even early) and I never progressed so NO need to relive all that again huh
* Do we have names. NO NO, thats why this baby is being called baby Deuce. (#2). We haven't even talked names really...I have thrown some around in my head but nothing serious. Seems the second child is a little different than the first. Sorry, but its true. We will probably talk names the day before it arrives...or maybe after August 17th when we know the sex.
* Why arey you finding out the sex: Because for one, I am a crazy planner and like all my ducks in a row and it will drive me insane and my blood pressure will sky rocket. So I need to know the sex to prepare mentally. Seriously guys....I am OCD that way. Also, the spare room where baby Deuce is going to stay..is stacked with junk and I need motivation to clean it out. And I am high risk during pregnancies, so I get an ultrasound every 3-4 weeks and it hard to look at that screen ALL the time and NOT know.
* Also, I have not bought one thing for this baby. I know, its sad. We WANT this baby..believe me. But its different when you have another child in the cart staring at you with big blue eyes that really WANTS the toy story toy. You end up just buying him the toy and figure the second baby will get something next time.
Life Lately: Week 7
3 hours ago