Monday, November 29, 2010
cyber monday
So today I shop some more. I am almost DONE with my Christmas shopping and so today I dont' have much time to blog....only time to shop
So..enlighten me...where are the good sales on this cyber monday?
Monday, November 22, 2010
a weeks worth of Thanksgiving

awww....look how precious!

Tuesday: I am thankful for my car. It is big and comfy and gets me everywhere I need to go
Wednesday: I am thankful for my mom and grandma teaching me how to cook (well I try). I stay up late baking on Wednesday and getting everything prepared for Thanksgiving!!! Its one of my favorite things to do. I remember doing it as a little girl!
Thursday: I am thankful for a warm place to go, hot food and a great family to spend Thanksgiving with.
This is probably my last post this week. I am going to spend the rest of my week with family, watching the Thanksgiving day parade, shopping, enjoying the kids and watching the parade of lights in town on Sunday! Have a blessed Thanksgiving! Enjoy blackfriday if you go.....and eat till you POP!
Friday: I am thankful for shopping! I wont be headed out to fight the crazies on blackfriday, BUT shopping is one of my favorite things to d
Thursday, November 18, 2010
A weeks worth

(My cousin Annah and Tucker)
Thursday: I am thankful for my cousins by marriage. Its amazing how much I enjoy these people and some of us have even grown very close!
(Dirnberger girls)
Friday: I am thankful God gave me a little boy first. I think he knew I couldn't handle hair bows at 7 in the morning. For example today is picture day at school. It took me 5 total minutes with diaper change to get Tucker ready for pictures:) NOW that is awesome!
Saturday: I am thankful for half day Fridays!!!!
Sunday: I am thankful for BIG homemade meals on Sundays. I love to cook on Sundays and NEVER leave the house all day long!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Thankfulness and christmas
BUT just because the inside of my house says Chritmas I am not forgetting Thanksgiving!
Today I am thankful for HOT coffee (with cream and sugar)! I drink it day and night during winter months and it makes me a smile a little everytime :)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Nine pounds of JOY

Saturday: I am thankful for "The wonder Pets". Sometimes Tucker needs alone time on the couch and I am thankful for cartoons to do this
Sunday: I am thankful for my church. I love it...everything about it!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuckers 1st of 1st bday parties
Wednesday: I am Thankful for migraine medicine!!!! GOSH I use it a lot

Here is a banner...NOT made my be. Sorry, it was Etsy!
And here is the wonderful cake. It turned out very very CUTE.
There were more decor and action going on BUT remember I had a half way sick baby, no husband to help and it was a long night
Tomorrow I will post pics of Tucker at the party!
Monday, November 8, 2010
The 5 days from HELL.....
Wednesday, got a call from daycare that Tucker was running a fever. I knew he would be soon because his ears were draining and he was snotty and coughing. So here we go to the doc. We got home and all settled and I thought I could get some house work done..hahah! Man I had no clue what was going to happen next. Wednesday night around 6..I am sick. Like on my death bed sick. Nate took care of Tucker and I.
Thursday. I was still sick so my mom and memaw came and took care of me and my baby (who is still sick). They cleaned, they cooked and I thought man I have it made.
Friday. Tucker is still sick but we thought he was over the hump. I was feeling much better and had TONS of running(with Tucker throwing up in the backseat) to do for the party Saturday.
Saturday. Woke up after 3 hours of sleep because we got Tucker a new puppy for his bday that whined and howled all night. Nate was SICK. Sicker than a dog. There was too much for me to do to process Nate being sick, so I continued on with my day. After picking up my cake from the cake lady, who god love her dropped my 2 dozen cookies after walking out the door I was almost heading home for the party. I ordered more cookies and THEN headed home. Got a phone call from my mom and my memaw that they were always sick with the bug. Got home and realized that Nate was of no good use. He had the bug. The problem?? Well he was the food maker that day. So after my mother in law and dad volunteered to make the rest of the food I thought we were on our way to the party. WRONG. Tucker got a HORRIBLE rash, reaction to the meds he was on under his diaper and was miserable. So here we head to the party all decorated and waiting for fun times only to find out that NATE can't get off the couch to come, my mom and grandma were in the same boat and Tucker was still miserable from the rash.
We ate cake, opened gifts and Tucker cried and whined and wanted held all during the party.
We got home around 8 and I lost it. I cried myself to sleep. I wanted this perfect party and none of it happened.
Sunday. My father in law and sister in law are now sick. Along with a couple friends. Tucker is feeling better and so is Nate and the rest of the bug crew. Its all over with.
BUT we are having a second party soon. One with daddy, gigi, memaw and several other cousins and aunts and uncles. Tucker deserves it, Nate deserves it and I deserve it. I will be bringing wine.
Today I am THANKFUL that we have a new dog. Yes I think we are nuts for getting it and yes it will drive me crazy but when it snuggled with me Saturday night when I was upset about the WHOLE party and situation. When my other boys were sick, I still had the dog.
I DO have some great pics..I will post soon :)
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Thankful 6 and 7th
Sunday the 7th: I am VERY thankful for my in laws also. I have 2 great in laws that would do anything for me and I really really do LOVE them like my own. I also gained 2 sister in laws and brother in law or I cherish just as much!!!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thankful and the BUG
Thursday the 4th: I am thankful for a GREAT daycare that takes care and LOVES Tucker as their own. They are great to him and he loves going there each day. Sometimes he cries when I PICK him up. Seriously. I am very very thankful for those loving women!!!!
Friday the 5th: I am thankful for not throwing my guts up.
Yep, my house (well just me) was hit by the stomach bug. Its the worst feeling ever. Today I am about 70% better, hoping for a full recovery in time for Tucker's bday party tomorrow! Tucker has sore throat, ear ache and so on...he is on meds and I PRAYING he is fully recovered to enjoy his party tomorrow....
Lord help us make it through this weekend...the end
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Thankfull Nov. 3rd
I work in a small office, the less the better in my book, so there is no drama or haters. So I am very thankful that I have this job (sometimes I want to be home more with Tucker, but he also needs shoes and clothes so I continue to work :)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Nov 1st: I am thankful for my husband, my best friend and Tucker's wonderful father. Marriage isn't easy, its not all roses and bubble baths like I had dreamed of. But its worth it (for the most part). Nate evens me out, forgets my worst and loves my best. I am thankful for him!!!
Nov 2nd: I am SOOOO Thankful for my healthy, crazy, stubborn, lovable, adorable little almost one year old. I could write a book on him, but I will just say he is the reason I breath. Tucker has changed me for the better and I am THANK GOD for him daily.
(I have adorable Halloween pics that I will post soon)