Still NO smile, but he did actually WANT to sit on his lap.
Christmas eve we always start at church...its a GREAT feeling to kick off the holidays. Then its off to Gigi's and Popa's..(my parents house) to all night party

Christmas morning with bedhead and all!!!! He LOVED his jeep

Another one of his favorite toys is his guitar. This kid has a love for music(from me) and he is very very interested in making music. I have NO music talent so we are hoping Tucker does one day! Then its off to a full day of Christmas adventures!!!
Nathan has a very talented uncle and cousin and Tucker really admires their talent. He sits and plays his own guitar with them now...I am not kidding when I say he is very interested in music.
It was truly one of the BEST Christmas's EVER! I have so many more pictures but I will wait and bore you later!
Now its clean up time, and getting back in the flow of things. Right now new years looks like a dinner date for 3 and I couldn't be happier :)