I always say I will get WAY better at blogging and then I slack off. The truth is, the last week has been difficult. Tucker has had a horrible ear infection for the last two weeks. Screaming all night, moaning from pain. He hasn't slept, I haven't slept more than 4 hours at a time each night. I am living on coffee and junk food. Its been bad on all of us. The worst thing is you can't so anything to make him feel better. So we try to console him or bounce him around the room, rock hm, take him outside, hold him constantly but nothing seems to work. BUT Tucker is a healthy 6 month old besides his ear, so I have to focus on that more than anything. I am lucky to HAVE a baby and to have a baby that is healthy, growing and striving. I will take the ear aches any day to have Tucker here and doing great!!! I often remember to stay positive because I know so many are having infertility problems or are struggling with major health issues with their babies. So what is a little ear ache to someone with real health problems. Besides..next Friday we are getting TUBES!!! Praise the LORD! Woohoo. I am ready as I am sure Tucker is too, for some tubeness.
Oh a brighter note:
The pool is Open and ready
My flowers are all planted and striving
I am having a jewelry party/girls time this Friday and I can't wait
I am taking a mini vacation this weekend to St.Louis with my parents. Just one night away and we will do plenty of eating and shopping and showing Tucker some sites (the hubby can't go b/c we have a rent house in the works that HAS to be finished soon :()
Next Friday is TUBE day.
See you just have to look on the bright side sometimes:)
Life Lately: Week 7
3 hours ago