-Its 107 degrees here in good Ol' Missouri! I can't complain much...I work in an office on my butt everyday and my poor husband is outside in this heat ALL day!!! I mean I break a sweat walking to the mail box so I really pitty him during this season. Just another point to add to the list of why we LOVE him soooo much and appreciate him even more!!!
-Being that its 107 guess how much I have been walking/running! Yep, thats 0 times in 1 1/2 weeks. If I could just get my lazy butt up in around 5:00 I could get going in the morning. My only problem is I HATE mornings and alarms. I stay up way later than anyone in my household for the simple reason that I want ME time. After having family time..then husband/wife time..i want ME time. Sometimes I am still doing laundry, sometimes bad reality tv or reading or just thinking. BUT by gosh its my time! so that means I am already late to bed 11-12...and up at 6.
-So all the rambling basically means I need to just tough it out and run in the heat or get my butt up earlier right?? OR better yet...buy a treadmill that we have NO room for in our mouse size home :)
- I keep reading about all these ppl eating clean?? Do u guys live off of chicken and lettuce. I dont' get it..no cheese in your life..or bread?? I mean I am trying to convert our family into better eating, and this is in baby steps because if you jump to fast it will fail i believe. BUT eating like rabbits forever...I just don't know? Kudos's to you guys/gals
-The kids...man we have some funny kids. Tucker is always cracking us up lately. His biggest thing is always saying things are amazing. Its so funny to hear a tiny voice say "Thats amazing". He is a poool bug lately..he thinks its a bathtub at night which totally works for me..I mean I might have gave him that idea?? So his little hair is bleached white from the sun...truly looks like he came outta Cali right now...until he talks with that southern draw and ppl know its not true.
-Saylor Kate is up and rocking on those knees...it wont be long and she will up off and crawling. Which means I need to sweep my floor more
- This week I have been ORGANIZING my life. Do you gals feel like if your car and house are a wreck than your life is too. I mean even when my desk is a total wreck at work I feel flustered. So, a room a night is my plan. Basically things have been busy so we have been just putting things away and not where they belong and NOT taking the time to do it nicely. So a room or 2 a night I am cleaning drawers, organizing closets and cabinets and such. I am NOT cleaning but just organizing....getting life back in order. Then when I go to give that mouse house a good cleaning it will flower EASIER!! U get it??
- So, not sure where this energy came from...but I just get up to ears and almost in tears until its done....usually twice a year and man it FEELS SO GOOD once its done. So i will reward myself with alone time in the pool Friday or a pedicure IF I complete the whole house...(which is small guys so no big deal)
Grocery shopping FUN!!!
Life Lately: Week 6
5 days ago