Monday, August 31, 2009
Weekend Recap and a Sweatshirt!!!
The only thing that has me not wanting fall is having to buy new maternity clothing. I thought I could make my clothes stretch out and last until Tucker arrived. I guess I am wrong..I will be getting cold in my tank tops. So I am thinking a lot of jackets that I can possible wear after the baby?? I will be checking out Target very soon.
We have ordered our paint and Nate is starting on it tonight. I am sooo excited. 9 weeks and counting. I can't believe I will have a little one in my arms in 9 weeeks! I mean this will fly by!!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
We had it narrowed down to 4 names, then 2 names and then finally last Friday I took the plunge and had something monogrammed. So I made the decision. No turning back now....after one thing monogrammed I have had about 50 things monogrammed so this baby name dilemma is now at a close.
Tucker Joseph Dirnberger
I love the name for many reason (and if you don't love the name that is ok but just dont tell me). Tucker is strong and something he can grow with. It is not a sweet baby name that he will one day hate me for. Yes I know it rhymes with F***er, but come on grow up!! It sounds a little country to me and that is soooo my husband. Joseph is his father and grandfathers middle name so it means something. I am excited to finally starting talking to this belly of mine and having a name to call it besides baby D. So for now when you read Tucker in this blog remember that it is the name.
Also, about all the monogramming. Nate might decide to take the debt card away very soon or hang seems I am addicted to monogramming and now its a problem. I will pick some of it up today and will take pictures for you all to see. So if I am absent from this blog for a while its because he has locked me in a room for spending so much money on monogramming, clothes or anything the COPS!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Registering could have possible been the hardest, most tiring and time consuming thing I have ever done. People wanting to touch you, give you advise and just plain be rude to you. Lets just start with bottles. I mean how hard can bottles be right. They are just milk distributors. I just went with what my SIL used...Dr. Brown bottles. Then as I was scanning the Dr. Brown box one lady said " OH hunny you don't want will take forever to clean those and when you lose parts it will be horrible" I just smiled and said well I guess I will just learn. Seriously, just buy your bottles and I can buy mine. I have heard several...several mommies say that if you baby is fussy or colic at all Dr. Brown are the ones to use. So by gosh I am going to try them
Then bottle warming. Again, I have known several babies who never had their bottles warmed. I mean temp is just like warming? So I did not register for warming solutions (car warming, night warming..etc) So I am choosing for my own sanity to leave water at room temp and mix formula. Again...I get the " well a warm feeling in his belly will make him sleep". Well..when he is screaming in a restaurant because his bottle isn't warm then I will let them come watch him?
I know all these strangers were just trying to help, but to each their own. I also received the breast feeding lesson. Man I love hearing those. But the way I look at it is I have been sticking a needle in my stomach for 7 months and still have 2 more months of needles. Then after the baby is born I will be sticking myself in the stomach for 6 more weeks. So my choose to not breast feed might be selfish but at some point I just don't want things attached to my body anymore. U feel me? High risk pregnancies are not the easiest and when baby boy comes out I just want to gaze at him and soak him up...and when guest come over to feed him then I can sleep :)
So the adventures in registering are something I will never forget. I hope I am never that person that just throws ideas at random people in the aisle of Target.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
28 Weeks (technically 27.7 weeks)

The ultrasound tech said " Kara, he is so cute"
Then I go to see the Dr. and she said "He is so cute, he has the chubbiest cutest cheeks"
I loved hearing those comments...all I want is a healthy baby but hearing someone tell me how cute he is already just made my week. I mean I never doubted a minute that he wouldn't' be the cutest thing ever. will never believe how much Baby D weighs.......
2LBS 15oz. Can you believe it. Almost 3 LBS already. I am going to deliver a toddler! I just pray his weight gain will start slowing down!!! If not thank God for epidurals.
Some pregnancy tactics:
- Craving milk like crazy. I am going through at least a gallon every 5 days by myself
- Milk always taste better with Oreos also.
- Still feeling great....the energy level is still high but could drop any day
- Nate is painting away at the nursery!!!
- My back has been aching some. I mainly think its from sitting all day at a desk...
- They didn't weigh me at my last appointment but I really dont' want to know anyways.
- Seeing the nursery in works is starting to really bring things to perspective.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Playing House

(picture from spring)
So after 3 movies, Peas, Mac and Cheese and Chicken nuggets for dinner, late night drive, making blueberry muffins, running out of milk, 6 dirty sippy cups, one lost paci, two blankets, one "huggy bear" and a lot of laughs we finally made it to bed around 10:30. I think I shut my eyes around 11:00. We had fun though and it was well worth the memories.
Having two sweet little boys running through the house makes you appreciate what I have left of 11 weeks of "me" time. Its funny how all your priorities change, I didnt' care if I ate last night or what I ate..I just wanted to make them happy. Sometimes I think having a child is really going to come at me and Nate full maybe we aren't prepared. It will hit us like tornado...but thats how it supposed to be right?
P.S - I ate cold Mac and Cheese around 9:30 last night.
Friday, August 14, 2009
- Yesterday I picked up something heavier than I should have...then I freaked out all day thinking I had hurt the baby. Yesterday he didn't kick as much as usual which really upset me. Today he is very very active...I can breath again.
- I have shopping bags loaded with clothes online for this baby. Gap, Children's Place etc....the only problem is I dont' have the money to buy it all. But its fun to shop this way
- This weekend I am having a pool party with my family. It wont be long and the pool with be closed...almost good bye summer time
- The pros to summer being gone....Fall and Football
- I am dying to get a diaper bag monogrammed with his little name...and burp clothes and onsies and hooded towels.
- I was at Etsy Virgin until today...I know..How did I ever live without that place?
- I can't wait to show you how big my belly has looks like I could pop as some MAN told me the other day. I hate men while pregnant.
- TGIF...not sure how much longer I can take 5 day weeks. I need a permanent break!!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Progress has been made
Yesterday was a different feeling. Baby's room is completely ready to paint. The spare room even got a little sprucing up. I can walk in the room and breath now. I dont' yell at Nate or refuse to make him dinner. I said to him the other day " I am a lot easier to deal with when things get done". "Yep" he agreed.
Today I ordered the bedding....this weekend we buy the crib and furniture and we have paint ideas running through our heads. I can't wait to get started and show all of you.
This week I am 26.5 weeks! Wow...this means I could have a baby in my arm in 11.5 weeks. The baby is growing fat....oh baby fat!!! I always wanted a chubby baby so we keep cheering him on and his little fat rolls.
Monday, August 10, 2009

Did I mention they had an outlet mall?
Next Stop on Friday was Memphis, TN. Our first stop there was Graceland....The Home Of Elvis Presley. It was hot and miserable but we didn't care. The King has a nice place and I wasn't leaving Memphis without seeing.

Saturday we shopped till we dropped. Well Nate dropped as soon as we arrived but I made a day of it!
Of Course this little hunter had to have his first Bass Pro Shop attire.
We bought enough Camo to suit up an Army! gap, children's place and so on

It will be his own decision whether he is a Dolphins Fan(like his father) or a Colts fan (like his way cool mother). I swore I wouldn't push a team on him but I am the one carrying him and going to birth him right?
I feel much better after taking the "Babymoon". We finally know what crib we want, what bedding we want and NOW we can jump right on it! I mean it only took us 26 weeks to decide.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
New purchases!
I purchased this yesterday just so he understand who he is a fan of.
I am also anxiously awaiting this nursery lullaby CD.
A Dave Matthews Band nursery rhyme CD. This baby is a dancing machine already, I can't wait until he hears this CD. I think every baby needs one
Monday, August 3, 2009
Birthdays and Babies

Chocolate Brown and Teal color scheme! I love those was the center pieces.

Big sister Kailee also watching and MATCHING the birthday party!
This weekend we celebrated babies. One of my high school friends is expecting a baby at the end of the month and we all gathered to celebrate.

And we think Hannah is blessing our children here??
All in all it was a productive weekend. Lots of friends and family and fun times!