The March is On...the March of Dimes walk that is. Today is the kick off meeting for March of Dimes to get started raising our money. Last year me and my team rasied a little of a 1000.00 for March of Dimes!!!! Some of you may know and some of you may not know the reason I am a big supporter for March of Dimes. Here is a little of my story. My oldest brother and sister in law were pregnant with a healthy baby girl about 4 years ago. My sister in law (Jin) went into labor at 34 weeks which is considered premature labor. Kailee was born, and was immediately put on a ventalator. For the first month of her life, she lived at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, MO. Even after she was taken home from the hospital, she was rushed to the hospital several times for the next 3 years of her life. The doctors called her a mystery baby b/c they could not fiqure out the exact cause of her sickness. She was unable to suck or swallow, so she was fed through a feeding tube. Kailee will be 4 years old in May of this year, but still fights with sickness everday. She is still not able to suck or swallow and eats through a feeding tube. She is not vocal with words and does not walk. She is given therapy twice a week and gets home schooled. Kailee's parents are incrediable with her, she is treated just like a normal 4 year old. Kailee is an angel herself. She can light up a room when you are around her and has a great personality. Even with disapilties she is a happy 4 year old.
Everday babies are born premature and fight to live. Some grow up heathly and some live with disabilties. March of Dimes raises money for kids like Kailee. They raise money to help premature babies with their fight to live. Its a great cause and I am happy to raise money for babies of our future. March of Dimes also helps heathly babies with mothering classes, pamplets and videos.
I will give you more information when I know more about the date of the walk. I am not asking each of you to donate lots of money, every dollar counts. If anyone body would like to help me raise money or help me walk, just let me know. The more people the marrier!!!
Here is a picture of Kailee recently. She really is our little angel!!!! Anyone who has ever worked with a special child knows the mind and physical stength it can bring. I will keep everyone updated about the walk, just wanted to give you a heads up!!! My goal this year is 2000.00 dollars.....lets raise so money!! Thanks for listening!!