After that first heartbeat I wanted to rip the ultrasound machine out of the wall and carry it with me everywhere. I wanted to hear the heartbeat over and over and not have to worry. However, the Dr.'s office doesn't allow you to take home their machines, so this wasn't an option. I think Hubby and I just glowed that whole afternoon after hearing baby Ds heartbeat, but we knew we weren't outta the woods yet. Although Nate and I were thrilled to have heard the first heartbeat....our fears were still lingering with us
The following week I was back at the doctors office. Dr. Carns wanted to hear the heartbeat again to make sure everything was moving along as normal.....and I was happy to report. This time I was at 6 1/2 weeks. This was about where I stood the last two times I miscarried. So again I take the long walk down the hall....undress into a see threw sheet, and wait for the ultrasound tech to probe me once again. I was sweating, sticking to the table actually. The ultrasound tech turned the volume up this time and we could hear the galloping of the heart. It was once again BEAUTIFUL! I wanted to record it and listen to it all day. Of course again its against office policies to drag around an ultrasound machine in public.
I had been noticing this sickness every morning. I couldn't get enough of this sickness...I welcomed it every morning. I would wake up and pray that the sickness was there...and it always was!!!! Woohoo. If I was still sick in the mornings then that meant the baby was still kicking around in there. I was also peeing in the middle of the night. I was so excited to be waking up at 2 or 3a.m. to pee. This to me meant that the baby was in there and doing great!!! AND my boobs, many they were sooo sore. I pocked and prodded them all day and was so happy they were sore.
So we had heard the heartbeat twice but the worry still layed in the back of my mind. Nate and I still prayed and hoped that everything would go as planned. In this very same week, after hearing the heartbeat twice, I get a call from Dr. Specialist. He explains to me how I have a genetic gene called Factor V Leiden and I will need blood thinner shots whenever I become pregnant. He explains all the dangerous and how this needs to be taken care of. I BURST into tear...WHAT? I just found out I am pregnant and now something else to worry about. I couldn't believe it. Here is where you repeat the quote " God only gives you as much as you can handle".
So at my 8 week appointment...... I hear the heartbeat AGAIN. I am telling you it never gets old. It was at a surprising 178....that baby D is really beating away in there. Although that wasn't the only thing to discuss. Dr. Carns and I went over the game plan with Factor V Leiden. A blood thinning shot a day and extra folic acid is what she prescribed. I am not the only case of this gene and I wont be the last. I have no signs of blood clots nor has family members (this is a good sign). Basically they want the baby to get all the nutrients and me to not have a blood clot because a blood clot could be life threatening. Here is the post that tells all about the gene. The only good thing that might come of this gene.....usually people with Factor V are induced at 37-38 weeks so the blood thinners are stopped at the right time and labor is right away.
The shots are going well, Nate gives me a shot every SINGLE day in my stomach. If he isn't around to give the shot, I can give them to myself. A lot of people that carry this gene have very healthy babies and we just pray everyday that ours is one of those.
I heard the heartbeat one more time at 12 1/2 weeks. It was at 158 and they have me the OK to tell the world. So here I am world.....telling you there is now 2! (THIS INCLUDES ME AND BABY...NOT TOO BABIES..HAHA)
p.s. My sickness left around 10 weeks...but I still pee every single night around 2 or 3 a.m and my boobs are now the size of small people. I don't care, I hope my back hurts from carrying this suckers around and I hope I never sleep well again ( I will be regretting this later) but that only means baby is on the way!!!
Life Lately: Week 9
2 days ago
you said .. "there is now 2"...what does this mean? Two babies??!!
Mika, I was going to say the same exact thing??!!!? Two babies? I'm confused!!!
Oh, ok thank you for clarifying! Don't you know you can't include yourself in anything anymore?! It's all about the baby now!! hahaha
I am just so happy for you!!!!! Are you going to find out what it is?
We actually have a dog and as much as I would like to have another dog, Zach would not like it and I just couldn't take care of another dog, as for Zach's parents, I think it's too soon for them, since Shane just passed a few weeks ago. Thanks, though!
You had me going with the 2 people comment! haha! :)
Cute post!! I cant wait to read more as this goes further!!!
I am glad you are sharing your adventure with everybody. I always took my heartbeat appointments for granted, but those appointments were little miracles for you.
Can't wait to see what else this brings you!!
AHHH I'm so excited for you!!!!
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