Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Unloading my Camera

My camera seems to be full of pics...and I never upload them. Today as I was flipping through some pics I noticed my family reunion pictures. Oh what a great day. It was my mother's side of the family, and although most family reunions aren't "fun" we were determined to have a great time...and we did!!!

My immediate family is competitive. We like sports but mainly we like to always win. We can't help it? No matter if its boardgames, volleyball or ice skating we always try to win. So when I knew we would be playing volleyball of course we tried to stack the team. So with me, my younger brother, the hubs, the sister in law and some other cousins...we were unstoppable. Oh wait..or maybe because were playing our aunts who were twice our age.?? Either way we were good. Lets get to the pictures. ( Also, I know my aunts read this blog and they will be so embarrassed..hehe) Here's the aunts team.

Whats funny about this picture is they all really look like they are going to hit the ball but I am pretty sure it went between all of them
Here we go again...good try ladies
Aunt Deb this one is for you. I wont tell the story of how you fell to the ground in pain after 15 minutes of playing Volleyball. I wouldn't never tell that story because it might embarrass you? Here is some of the "A" Team

Here is the back of my sister in law Jin (after 8 or so glasses of wine..whos counting?) hah

I am over there in my jeans about to roast b/c its 100 degrees

My cousin Lauren serving the ball....

Here is a full court shot. Yes we measured out the boundaries and made sure the net was legal size...did I mention we were competitive.

This is how we all looked at the end of the day. Here is my little brother Klayton (also know to his nephews as uncle Skoobie...yes his nickname is Skoobie because we swear he is brought back from the 60's. He is a hippy child) Klayton's girlfriend Taylor, My nephew Liam on the left and nephew Cooper on the right. (no those are not their children).

All in all it was a successful reunion. No more getting your cheeks pinched or sitting around listening to story's of walking up hills both ways in the snow.

Monday, June 29, 2009

A weekend with the BESTIES

Oh what a fun and much much needed weekend. Saturday my bestie Hannah and I set out early and headed to St.Louis. We left the county life and arrived at the city around 10:30. This great timing would have never happened without the help of "Judy". You see, this SUV I am driving came equipped with a navigation system that we like to call "Judy". I have never used navigation nor have I ever thought I needed it..but everyone needs one!!! "Judy" guided us right to the doorstep of our other bestie Carrie (even through detours and roadblocks, "Judy" never got lost).

Once we hugged and freshened up we were out the door to begin our baby shopping and eating adventure. We ate Mexican, Italian and a stop at our favorite Sonic. We shopped at West County, T.J Maxx, Marshalls, and Home Goods. By the end of the day this preggers lately was tired!!! We found great bargins and I found maternity Jeans that didnt' make my butt sag. YAAAH!

Here is a picture of the end of the night by the Arch. We also met up with another high school friend Jenny for dinner that evening.

Carrie, Hannah, Me with baby, and Jenny

I think its pretty special to have friends for 15 years or longer. NO matter where we are all out in life, we pick up right where we last left off. I know they are always there for me and we have always been like sisters. We will never NOT be friends and no matter where we all live, we still make time to get together. In grade school, high school, college and now adult life we all still feel like best friends and kids at heart.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mind the Gap

There has been a huge gap in post here at "A Day in the Hay" and I want to blame everyone else but truly its my fault.

A couple new things have been added to my life in the last 5 days

Yeh she is pretty. Isn't hubby good to me!!! Who am I kidding, I am work forty hours a week AND I am giving him a son people. We got a good deal on this ride and although its not brand new, it looks and feels brand new to me. It sure is pretty and I get to pick it up today!


I know the Iphone isn't new...but its new to me :) My contract was finally up and I seriously have no idea how I lived without this phone for so long. Also, if a sweet innocent nephew would happen to through your iphone in the water while swimming it still works. Yep right after I got the phone it went for a swim but still works great!!!

So along with laying by the pool for 3 days, enjoying family bbq's, buying baby Gap out of stock on baby boy clothes and baby sitting my mom's dog for a week and a half I have no other excuses for not blogging. I promise to be more frequent from now on.

Also....this weeks marks my 19th week of pregnancy!! CRAZY .....and we have done nothing to prepare for this baby boy. Next week starts the renovation on the room, decor, names , etc. I have another ultrasound the 29th and then its down to serious business.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Random Ramblings

Right now I should have tons of things to blog about, but I can't seem to think of anything to write on here? This is the busiest and happiest times in a long time...but I think my mind is filled with so much I don't know where to start.

First off.....The nursery room is filled with a Bo-Flex machine, storage boxes, file cabinets and much much more. We need to get a move on moving things out of the room. (I can only lift some much ya know)

I would like to kinda have an idea on the nursery bedding, but I haven't found anything that I "Love" yet.

Next would be painting. I think this will take a lot of work and time so we need to clear the room, find the bedding so we can paint.

I felt baby boy kick me again last night...after I had ice cream. So I think I need to eat ice cream every night because obviously he loves it.

Also...we might need a name, baby boy just wont cut it

I crave Taco Johns, Salad and Milk. Are you grossed out yet?

I need to snap a new baby belly pic...almost 18 weeks and growing strong. Its amazing how much this belly grows through out the day.

For some reason I am tired again....I thought I was over that spell, but when I get home from working I need a nap before dinner.

Maternity swimsuits are HOT. Wait nope...not at all.

Happy Friday...and off to a good weeekend hopefully!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Its the little things

  • The Sun is shining today
  • I laid by the pool on Sunday and caught some relaxing rays
  • Quality Family time on Saturday and Sunday
  • Nate always rubbing my tummy
  • Feeling "butterfly like" motions of the baby boy kicking
  • Finding out a friend of mine is having a boy also!! Yaaah Jenny!
  • Picking out baby names..Nothing is certain though
  • Buying a new wardrobe b/c my old one is too small
  • Family reunion this weekend and making it fun
  • Emails from my sister in law EVERY day!
  • A great friend to work with
  • Target!!!
  • Having all my laundry done
  • Dreaming of a new car
  • Having a baby bump
  • Nate and I falling in love more over this baby boy
  • Sitting outside in the evening time
  • BBQ's
  • Chatting with great friends
  • Text messages

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

16.5 weeks!

Yesterday I had another ultrasound. I was so excited to see this baby again....or see this baby looking like a baby. The last ultrasound was at 8 weeks and any baby at 8 weeks kind looks like a dot. Since I am considered "high risk" I am able to have more ultrasounds and more frequently. I don't complain...I encourage it. Anytime I can see and hear this baby I will take it. It relieves some worries and gets me all excited all over again. Yesterday it was AMAZING!!!! We saw feet, legs, hand (10 fingers), the spine, lips, nose, eyes, heart and so much more. We saw bones and muscles.....did I mention it was AMAZING!!!!

We also got to see the little boy part. Did you catch that...the little BOY part! That's right. The votes are wrong....we are having a baby BOY in November!!

Nate's eyes were as big as half dollars. He never cared what we were having but when he heard BOY, HE smiled from ear to ear!!! We kinda of both wanted a boy in the back of our minds and that is what we saw!!!( there a lot of little boys right now so we joined the club...I also thought a boy might be easier the first time??)

I am still in shock I think but today I will head out to buy my first baby BOY outfit!!!

(I will try to scan my ultrasound pics later, but Nate is showing them off...proud dad!!!)

Monday, June 1, 2009


The best thing about a small community....when tragedy hits hard, we all come together and pray and grief. You could have heard a pin drop yesterday in my town.

I am asking for prayers, prayers for families and their children. Prayers for the ones who are gone and the ones left behind.

We were all teenagers once and thought we were invinsiable, but we know we are not.

Read here...a parents worst nightware.